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Facilities Management articles for the week of 11/13/2022 - 11/19/2022

Designing Space for Labs in Higher Education

avigating through the pandemic era, talk of a “new normal” dominates discussions, a future shaped by learnings from online classes, working from home, and interactions – both social and academic – influenced by infection prevention and video cameras.   Yet, learned most by both small colleges and large universities is the value of in-person connections and collaboration that define higher education life.

Read This » What Is the WELL Building Standard?

he idea of the WELL Building Standard started in 2013 with a question posed by Delos, a global wellness leader with a mission to enhance health and well-being in live, work, learn, and play spaces: “How do we merge real estate with health and well-being?”  One thing led to another, and a year later the first version of the WELL Building Standard was launched; administered by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), a subsidiary of Delos.   The WELL program (WELL) applies the science of how physical and social environments affect human health, well-being, and performance.

Read This » Understanding Sustainable Floorcovering Options

loorcoverings are an underrated component of any facility’s sustainability plan.

Read This » Attachments Add Versatility to Equipment Fleets and Staffs

rounds managers at institutional and commercial facilities rely on mowers, skid steers and utility vehicles as mainstays for their departments.

Read This » How CMMS Modernizes Maintenance

omputerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) have never been more important to maintenance and engineering managers in institutional and commercial facilities.

Read This » Fire and Life Safety Codes Drive Efficiencies

igital platforms allow teams to efficiently organize workflows and share information with interactive notetaking, bookmarking, and collection capabilities.

Read This » Lighting the Way to Outdoor Safety

hat elevates the design of lighting systems for parking lots and parking garages above just code requirements and illuminance calculations? The experience.

Read This » Navigating the Challenges that Surround Plumbing

lumbing and restroom upgrades are notoriously complex challenges for managers, given their cost and the expectations for water conservation.

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