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Facilities Management articles for the week of 1/8/2023 - 1/14/2023

School Setting Standard for Better IAQ

ew York City was the first major school system in the U.S.

Read This » Building Automation Services: Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities

uilding automation systems (BAS) are important to keeping institutional and commercial facilities up and running efficiently.

Read This » Insights from a Career in Grounds Management

erald Dobbs, grounds manager at the University of Texas at El Paso, discusses the accomplishments and challenges that have been important elements of his career in grounds management, including building a team, being a cheerleader and treating people with respect. FacilitiesNet: When and why did you enter the facilities and maintenance management profession?  Gerald Dobbs: In fall 1988, I was offered the job as the first landscape superintendent of the grounds department at Virginia Tech University.

Read This » Mower Decisions: The Role of Safety and Ergonomics

he bottom line dominates the decisions grounds managers make in researching and purchasing new equipment, from mowers and tractors to utility vehicles and light construction equipment.

Read This » How to Focus on Water Quality in Facilities

eyond energy efficiency and occupant satisfaction, facility managers have just one, huge, overarching goal: That their facilities stay out of the headlines.

Read This » 405nm Lighting Prevents Spread of Infection in High School

early 400 students cycle in and out of the Chelsea High School weight room every day.

Read This » 6 Considerations for Contracted Security Service

s facility managers continue contracting security service providers, shifting environmental factors are increasingly changing the larger industry landscape.

Read This » Cleaning Contractors Can Help Meet ESG Goals

rom LED lighting to LEED certification, facility executives have looked for ways to implement sustainability — and now environmental, social and governance (ESG) — initiatives for decades.

Read This » The Great Return to the Office: The Manager’s Role in Creating the Optimal Workplace

he topic of the state of the workplace in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic has been discussed throughout the facilities management industry over the last two-plus years.

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