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Facilities Management articles for the week of 3/10/2024 - 3/16/2024

Maximizing Chiller Performance

s economic uncertainty continues, maintenance and engineering managers need to further pinpoint their focus on the never-ending battle of doing more with less.

Read This » Improving Employee Mental Health: Communicate Regularly

eekly check-ins are a critical tool managers can utilize to build trust with their employees and normalize conversations about mental health.

Read This » Switching to Smart Lighting: How to Convince Upper Management

anagers looking to convey essential smart-lighting information to building owners must address several key aspects.   These include:  Clear articulation of energy efficiency goals  In-depth cost-benefit analyses  Discussion of the latest available technologies and their advantages, emphasizing maintenance and code compliance and showcasing the benefits of smart lighting controls  Personalization and scalability benefits  Highlighting incentives and project timelines for a holistic understanding and decision-making process  Effective communication on these points ensures that building owners have all the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding lighting projects.  While implementing a smart-lighting system can offer a variety of benefits, managers and building owners should be aware of potential mistakes to avoid to ensure successful implementation.

Read This » 3 Examples of a Smart Building

he concept of smart buildings was birthed nearly two decades ago as a seeming child of the booming sustainability landscape.

Read This » A Roadmap to Protecting Facilities and Operations

atural disasters are getting more frequent and powerful.

Read This » Looking for Facility Leaders

little more than 15 years ago, I was promoted to editor-in-chief of one of our company’s flagship magazines.

Read This » New Restroom Facility Combines Form and Function

he Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, celebrates the American spirit by uniting art with nature.

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