reparing for extreme weather events is an inevitable and integral aspect of facilities management.
Read This » Fostering Employee Engagement in Facility Managementn facility management, employee engagement transcends the traditional notion of job satisfaction.
Read This » School Shooting Prevention: Start with a Site Assessmentn image sitting on Jason Russell’s desk makes the point.
Read This » Vacant, Unsafe Facility Transforms into Net Zero Classroomsalker Hall at the UC Davis campus is an adaptive reuse project that transformed a vacant, seismically unsafe building into a graduate and professional student center with meeting rooms, a lecture hall, and sophisticated active-learning classrooms that serve the entire campus.
Read This » Repurposing Retail is a Balancing Act Weighing Infrastructure and Costt’s the business of Dan Colombini to know where business is going — and how to get it there. Colombini, a principal at the New York City-based engineering consulting firm Goldman Copeland, has seen cities with high-rise business districts struggle in recent years to fill vacant retail space in office buildings. There is a ready explanation for that. “Any change in use is primarily market-driven,” Colombini says, “and the two biggest impacts for retail space have been the transfer of business to e-commerce and the pandemic’s shift to hybrid and remote working.” Even casual observers can tell that it’s a different day in many downtowns.
Read This » Pros and Cons of Machine Room-Less Elevatorsver the years the term “mid-rise” has changed to refer to different types of buildings, but the term always has the same connotation: Buildings that are “in-between.” That is, buildings with a total run height that would be in-between what a traditional hydraulic elevator and a traditional traction elevator would serve.
Read This » Off-Campus Student Housing: Keep it Safe and Sensiblehat do today’s college students want in housing options? The answer might surprise facility managers.
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