s the COVID-19 pandemic nears its fourth anniversary, companies and organizations are urging employees to return to office buildings to complete work tasks, but employees are pushing back. Employees cite improved productivity, flexibility, work-life balance and the lack of a commute as reasons they don’t support returning to physical work offices.
Read This » Securing a Safer Campusn one sense, recent upgrades at the University of Tennessee Knoxville have brought the campus’s access control and security systems and equipment into the 21st century, and they take advantage of advances in security technology.
Read This » 5 Steps to Decarbonize Facilitieshe U.S.
Read This » How Building Resiliency is Changing with a Changing Worldt will be news to few that last year was a record wildfire season in Canada, with more than 45 million acres burned – nearly doubling the previous record from 1989. Cities across the United States from Bismarck, North Dakota, to Minneapolis to Detroit were so covered in red haze, they looked like science fiction depictions of Mars.
Read This » Power Play: Preparing Microgrid Resiliencehen it comes to the healthcare industry, reliability and resiliency are vital components of the energy infrastructure within medical center facilities, as power outages or interruptions can drastically affect critical care efforts, disrupt workflow and potentially cost lives. Thanks to the Performance Excellence in Electricity Renewal (PEER) rating system, healthcare facilities such as the Milton S.
Read This » Evaluating Energy Use: What Managers Need to Knowey performance indicators (KPIs) have been around for as long as facility managers have been measuring energy consumption and trying to find ways to operate their institutional and commercial facilities at peak efficiency. But are managers always tracking the right information, and if not, what should they be focusing on? “Anytime you’re driving or incentivizing somebody to go towards a numerical goal, then they kind of lose sight of what you’re really trying to accomplish,” says Kevin Brown, president of KBSquared, an Atlanta-based consulting company focused on energy, sustainability, resilience and decarbonization.
Read This » Smart Lighting Offers Major Benefitsmart lighting projects offer the potential for major energy savings and improved aesthetics at institutional and commercial facilities.
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