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Facilities Management articles for the week of 5/8/2022 - 5/14/2022

New York City Requires Resilience for City-Funded Buildings

n March 2021, the New York City council passed a law requiring all public buildings and infrastructure projects to meet minimum resilience guidelines, as well as a minimum resilience score.

Read This » For Library Facilities, Health and Wellness Becomes Crucial

ellness has been a rising focus for organizations of all types and sizes, representing an evolution in thinking that links individual health to how our buildings operate. The International WELL Building Institute, in fact, outlines 10 holistic concepts that can guide organizations to helping building occupants feel and live healthier, from thermal comfort and sound to access to nourishment, movement, and quality materials.

Read This » How Facilities Should Prepare for the Rapid Growth of Electric Vehicles

lectric vehicles are the future of transportation in America.

Read This » Strategies to Improve Elevator Energy Efficiency

he overall cost of elevator ownership can often be equipped with a hefty price tag.

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