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Facilities Management articles for the week of 6/26/2022 - 7/2/2022

How to Improve WiFi at Sports Stadiums

ow do teams keep fans interested in going to the games?  For many years, that question had an easy answer: If your team wins games, people will come.  Then television started providing fans with the ability to watch games from the comfort of home, with beverages and bathrooms only steps away.   Other deterrents that threaten the game-day experience have also emerged, such as escalating ticket and concession prices and dealing with unruly fans.  During the last two years, COVID-19 has given pause to a segment of sporting fans who normally would attend sporting events.  Through all of those roadblocks comes another reason for teams to worry about fan attendance: poor Wi-Fi connectivity.  For Andrew Snead, the senior managing director for Delta Partners, a company that works with stadium crews on improving the fan experience, the threat of dwindling fan attendance is one that all facility managers in charge of stadiums and large arenas need to make a priority.  “There are three key dimensions to consider with fan behavior, and the ways with which they consume their preferences is changing and shifting,” says Snead, who was part of a webcast, Smart Stadiums and Innovating the Fan Experience, hosted by BrightTalk.

Read This » What You Need to Know About Fire Barrier Inspections

hen was the last time you had the fire rated barriers in your building inspected? Some building owners, property managers, facility managers, and other responsible personnel are unaware that fire/smoke rated barriers require periodic inspection.

Read This » 4 Tips for Better Maintenance Recordkeeping

Most facility managers know of the importance of recordkeeping for maintenance repairs and inspections for all systems and equipment within institutional and commercial facilities.  Incomplete or missing maintenance or inspection reports can lead to major issues when a building owner wants to sell a commercial building or in a situation involving a legal concern such as injuries or deaths occur as a result of a structure collapse or machine malfunction at an institutional facility, says Aaron Zimmerman, a partner at the construction defect law firm Berding & Weil.  “People who are documenting these issues, the people who are actually keeping the records – the plant engineers, maintenance personnel, even the janitors – they're not thinking that six years from now we’re going to be in a lawsuit,” Zimmerman says.  The importance of documenting maintenance and inspections was brought to the forefront following the June 24, 2021, tragedy in Miami, when 98 people were killed during a condo collapse.

Read This » Smart Pumps Lead the Way to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Goals

lthough the full impact of pumps in our society sometimes falls under the radar, what hasn’t gone unnoticed is energy efficiency and sustainability.

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